Club Announcement
May 12, 2020
RE: Fargo / West Fargo / Moorhead Soccer
Soccer Families of the Tri-City area,
Approximately one year ago the board of directors from Red River Valley United and Tri-City Storm Soccer Clubs sat down to discuss the future of soccer in the Tri-City area, a meeting inspired by the continued growth of RRV United, the evolution of Tri-City Soccer Club, and our shared vision of creating a collaborative soccer community in the Red River Valley.
For the past many months, the RRV United and Tri-City Soccer Boards of Directors have been meeting to better understand each other and determine if there is a path forward, together as one club. These conversations have resulted in an understanding that our shared philosophies are greater than our differences. That initial understanding led to numerous meetings and discussions reviewing all aspects of both clubs including competitive philosophy, recreational programs, charitable actions, and the desire to serve; both boards reviewed the materials and both boards unanimously voted to unite the two clubs.
The mission of this merger is to unite soccer in the Tri-City area. Based on that mission the clubs will unite as Tri-City United, effective August 1st, 2020. Until that date both clubs will continue to operate independently but will be cooperating on key initiatives including relaunching soccer during COVID-19.
This merger will allow us to improve the quality of soccer, improve the development of players and coaches and leverage the resources to offer a great experience including;
- Improving soccer programs
- Taking the best of both club's approach and offering enhanced program options
- Improving player development
- Our combined size will allow us to form teams at varying developmental levels in each age group, which benefits players at the higher, middle, and lower ends of the development spectrum
- Leverage the experience and resources of both organizations to improve
- Accessibility
- Facilities
- Coaching
We understand that some may have mixed feelings about this and that is to be expected. For several years the soccer landscape in the Tri-City area has been turbulent and it is our hope and mission to end the turbulence and enter the next chapter of soccer in the area.
We understand that this announcement could create questions or concerns, and to address those the board has created the following email address for you to submit your thoughts: We will make every effort to address questions and concerns in a FAQ that we intend on publishing by June 1st.
When we are able, we will hold a public meeting regarding the merger to share information and answer questions. In the meantime, we ask for patience and understanding as we work simultaneously through navigating the Spring/Summer season impacted by Covid-19, and the planning of a new era starting August 1st. We would ask that you not call the soccer offices at this time due to minimal staffing that is in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Respectfully yours,
The Boards of Directors of Tri-City Storm and Red River Valley United