Red River Valley United's core values are Teamwork, Integrity, Respect, Player Development, and Community. One of the ways RRV United demonstrates our core values is through our United to Serve program, which encourages all members to give back to their community through club service projects. We drop our athletic routine to be reminded of the importance of community and the power of the human spirit.

This Fall the Wolfpack contributed approximately 180 hours of community service:

# 2009 & 2010 girls served at Great Plains Food Bank

"The U10 girls filled 482 bags at the Great Plains Food Bank!"

# 2008 girls served at the Great Plains Food Bank

"This week the U11 girls volunteered at the Great Plains Food Bank. They packed 225 boxes that will be handed out to families. That’s 7,875 pounds of food!"

# 2006 & 2007 girls served at the Great Plains Food Bank

"The U12 and U13 girls teams were busy tonight volunteering at the Great Plains Food Bank, making 675 backpack bags for kids. They bagged 1800 pounds of carrots, apples, and onions, which makes 1500 meals for families in our community"

# 2004 & 2005 boys served with a Soccer Fun Night for youth in the Jefferson School neighborhood at McCormick Park

"The U14/15 boys had a blast hosting a pop up soccer fun night at McCormick Park!"

# 2006 Boys served both Fargo Parks (cleaning Lincoln Park) and River Keepers (marking storm drains)

River Keepers: "Thank you for teaching others that what goes down our storm drains ends up in the Red River!"

# 2007 & 2008 boys served River Keepers by cleaning a trail along the Red River

"The U11/12 boys had a great evening cleaning up the trail along the Red River from the Hjemkomst Center to the midtown dam for River Keepers"

# 2009 & 2010 boys served the Make-A-Wish Foundation of ND

"Thank you to everyone who made 2018 such a joyful and transformational year!"